Acupuncture at Work: A Guide to Happier, Healthier Employees
A short guide to the many benefits of acupuncture, and how it can mean happier, healthier employees in the workplace.
Weekly Check-ins: Why We Do Them
In addition to weekly office visits with our practitioners, all of our programs include weekly check-ins via Zoom, email or phone.
How A Regular Yoga Practice Can Help You Get Pregnant
Overall, the scientific evidence suggests that yoga is a powerful tool for improving fertility: by reducing stress, improving blood flow, and regulating hormonal balance, it can help you increase your chances of conceiving.
5 Fertility-Boosting Supplements for Women Over 35
For women over thirty-five looking to boost fertility and increase their odds of pregnancy, supplements can be a helpful addition to their daily routine. Here are five supplements women over thirty-five may consider taking to boost fertility.
Fitness and Fertility
The American College of Sports Medicine recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week, or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise.
Essential Oils That Work
Essential oils have been used for centuries to support health and wellness, and recent research suggests that they may also be effective in supporting fertility in women over 30.
Fertility-Boosting Meditation
A growing body of research suggests that meditation may be an effective tool for reducing stress and improving fertility.
All About Mercier Therapy
Mercier Therapy is a type of chiropractic care that focuses on the pelvis and lower back, specifically the sacrum, which is the bone at the base of the spine.
The Surprising Benefits of Cupping
Cupping therapy has been shown to increase the number of follicles, improve ovarian function, and increase the chance of pregnancy. It may also improve menstrual regularity, reduce pain in women with PCOS, and reduce stress and anxiety in women undergoing IVF.
Ear Seeds to Increase Conception Odds
There is scientific evidence to suggest ear seeds can improve fertility in women by balancing hormones, increasing blood flow to the reproductive organs, and reducing stress.
Improving Fertility With Sound Therapy
In this short blog post, we will explore the science behind sound therapy and how it can help improve fertility in women.
3 Chinese Herbs Proven to Increase Fertility
Regular use of traditional Chinese herbs can improve fertility in women by balancing hormones, increasing blood flow to the uterus, and nourishing the body.
Traditional Chinese Dietary Therapy For Conception
A diet rich in fruits and vegetables may be associated with higher levels of antioxidants, lower rates of obesity, lower levels of inflammation, lower levels of stress, and lower levels of environmental toxins–all of which can improve fertility.
Leveraging Energy Healing to Impact Fertility
There’s been a growing body of research exploring the potential benefits of this modality for improving fertility in women. In this post we’ll take a closer look at key ways in which intuitive healing sessions can help improve women's fertility–and increase their chances of conception.
How Acupuncture Can Improve Your Chances of Getting Pregnant
We know acupuncture can help with infertility, improve conception rates in healthy women, and even double the likelihood of getting pregnant with IVF… but how?
Read on for answers to these questions and more!